From NAFI's Chair |
Giving ThanksIt's hard to believe that another Thanksgiving is upon us. Of course, we look forward to gathering with family and friends to enjoy the long weekend, watch some football, perhaps eat way more than we should, and other activities. Along with that, many anticipate or dread "Black Friday," the traditional start of the holiday gift buying season. Along with that, many of us take the time to donate time to various charities that are taking care of the less fortunate in our society so they may have a happy holiday. And, lest I forget, there are many serving in the military, public safety, and private industry who keep the wheels of a modern society turning safely even though it is a long holiday weekend. For all of this and much, much more, this is the time we in the United States take the time to take stock and be thankful that we have family, friends, privileges, and the life we live. In other countries, there are similar traditions - NAFI's members in Canada celebrated their Thanksgiving in October, for example. Regardless of the location, the message and the sentiment are the same: we are grateful for the good fortune that we enjoy. As flight instructors, there are some things that are unique to our profession. We are grateful that we live in an age where we can fly, something to which humankind aspired for centuries and only comparatively recently accomplished. We are grateful to our students for providing us our livelihood, taking lessons to heart, and learning to be safe and responsible aviation citizens. And perhaps most important of all, we are reminded that we are fortunate to have an extended aviation family, with friends, mentors, and role models, both present and past, such as the late Pat Luebke, who you can read about below. With these thoughts, on behalf of the staff, board, and your fellow members, all of us at NAFI wish you and yours a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
Bob Meder,
NAFI Board Chair